Deep Dive Details on ICDD vs. Standard CDD (aka s2kp)
Inverted Central Double Decrease: Why did I use it when there are so many existing double decreases already = CDD aka s2kp, sk2p, k3tog, p3tog, sssk, k3tog tbl... ? You'd think I could make life easy and settle for 'close enough'. LOL. Not me! I came up with it while designing my Dragon Scales Stitch Ravelry Dragon Stitch Pattern Bundle . Payhip Dragon Pattern Bundle For these Scales the purl side is the public side, but for an easier knitting experience, the knit side is referred to and worked as the RS. That means on the projects done in the round, all “work” is done on the knit side and then the items are turned inside out when finished. While prototyping the Scales stitch I found the CDD worked so-so. It had a rigid center line on the back, which also tended to veer off to the right and did not lay quite how I wanted on the purl side. I wanted something that kept the center stitch in the center, except tucked under/ at the bottom of the stack...